Star Trek Movie List
1. Star Trek Orgninal Series
2. Star Trek Motion Picture
3. Star Trek:The Wrath of Kahn
4. Star Trek: The Search for Spock
5. Star Trek: The Voyage home
6. Star Trek: The Final Frontier
7. Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country
8. Generations
9. First Contact
10. Insurrection
11.Star Trek
12. Untitled 12th movie
Star Trek TV Shows
The Original Series (1966–1969)
The Animated Series (1973–1974)
The Next Generation (1987–1994)
Deep Space Nine (1993–1999)
Voyager (1995–2001)
Enterprise (2001–2005)
Alien Movie Series
1. Alien - I loved this movie it had great action scenes. The movie producers of Alien did pretty good job in putting this movie together during the early 1970's(1979). I loved how Ripley burned the Alien with the escape shuttles engines and the explosion of the mineral refinery ship.What part of Alien did you like?
2. Alien 2 or Aliens- Was released in 1986.
3. Alien 3- Another good Alien(3) action film. This movie has plenty of action and surprises. Also plenty cursing. One surprise I like is when the Alien sadly burst out of the dog and favorite surprise is when Ripley discovers she has a queen Alien inside of her. I like it when the Alien in the jumps right out of the molten lead. I thought he be toast when they poured the molten on him but I was wrong. It took water to kill the Alien because he was covered in the molten lead I enjoyed watching his body explode.I wish they had more high-tech 3-D to make the movie more fun especially with the Alien body exploding etc. Was released in 1992.
4. Alien Resurrection - Was released in 1997.
5. Alien vs. Predator - Was released in 2004. Is an awesome film matching the power and technology of the Predators against the cunning Alien. Interesting in the storyline of the movie how we worshiped and were taught by the Predators. And then used by them for there hunting sport etc.
6. Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem - Was released in 2007.